What will be the solar farm’s life-cycle?

The life-cycle of Campbells Forest Solar Farm is 25 to 30 years, at which time South Energy would either reinstate full agricultural use of the land or, if permitted, consider upgrading the solar farming equipment.

Will the solar farm be noisy?

Solar farms barely emit any noise. You would need to be right up close to the farming equipment in order to hear it.

How will the solar farm be protected?

The solar farm would be bordered by a 2m high chain mesh steel fence. Floodlighting would not be required. However, motion sensor CCTV cameras would be installed along the fence-line. The cameras would only monitor the boundary fence and areas within the solar farm, ensuring the privacy of neighbouring properties.

How will construction noise, vibration and dust be managed?

During construction, the following measures will be undertaken in order to minimise noise and vibration:

  • No scheduled project construction, maintenance and decommissioning activities to occur during night time, Sundays or public holidays unless prior approval has been granted by relevant regulatory body;
  • Shut off / throttle down any vehicles or equipment not in use; and
  • Where reasonably practicable, utilise latest noise reduction equipment and technology.

During construction, the following measures will be undertaken in order to minimise dust generation:

  • Avoid or minimise ground disturbance, soil movement and other dust producing activities;
  • Utilise water or wetting agent on any exposed areas, including unpaved roads and lay down areas;
  • Utilise wind breaks and silt fencing; and
  • Undertake flexible management of speed limits in accordance with road and wind conditions.

What’s involved with maintaining the solar farm (ie. cleaning, weeding, safety checks)?

Campbells Forest Solar Farm will have a cleaning schedule that accounts for rainfall and how much dust and dirt is in the air. For example, if there is harvesting nearby, the solar panels may need to be cleaned the next day. Solar farm staff would continually monitor performance and check for any decline in production to arrange for cleaning.

As well as regular cleaning, any weeds or pest animals found around the solar panels will be controlled on a regular basis. This will be done in accordance with an approved monitoring plan.

Perimeter security fencing, CCTV, all-weather access tracks, fire breaks, regular site inspections and ongoing maintenance checks are some of the measures that will ensure the safe operation of the solar farm. The site manager’s contact details will also be provided to the public, in case any concerns arise.